David Stout


"The baritone David Stout, so impressive in Scottish Opera’s The Burning Fiery Furnace, was commanding and gorgeously lyrical"

The Times

"Baritone David Stout, so good as both Dolokhov and Denisov in Part One, makes a charismatic impression as Napoleon during and after the Battle of Borodino. Indeed, if you’re looking for hooks on which to hang praise he and Bailey are joint gold medal winners."


"David Stout’s Figaro was assertive, quick-witted and warmly sung, an impressive role debut."


"David Stout is a formidable Sancho Panza"

The Guardian

"I was moved by David Stout as Massenet’s hapless manager forced into the role of Sancho. His final lament for Quichotte was the best part of the evening."

The Times

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David Stout has rapidly established himself as one of the UK’s most versatile baritones, with a formidable reputation for not only his vocal prowess, but also for his refined acting and charismatic stage presence. Formerly a Senior Chorister at Westminster Abbey, David grew up in southern Africa, which inspired him to read zoology and go on to teach biology at Epsom College before studying singing with Rudolf Piernay at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.

In the 2024/25 season he sings the title role of Don Pasquale for Scottish Opera; Alberich Das Rheingold for Deutsche Oper am Rhein.

In recent years, David has gained critical acclaim for his interpretations of Sancho Pança (Bregenz Festival and Staatstheater Darmstadt); Stárek Jenufa (Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Opera Ballet Vlaanderen); Bluebeard (title role) with the São Paulo Symphony: Baron Jaroslav Prus The Makropoulos Affair (Národni divadlo Brno and Welsh National Opera); Leporello Don Giovanni and the title role in Elena Langer’s Figaro Gets a Divorce (Grand Théâtre de Genève); Wolfram Tannhäuser (the New National Theatre, Tokyo); Kurwenal Tristan und Isolde (Grange Park Opera); Barnaba La Gioconda, Ford Falstaff and Posa Don Carlo (Grange Park Opera); as well Marcello La bohème for Scottish Opera, Roucher Andrea Chènier (Bregenz Festival and Royal Opera House, Covent Garden); Dulcamara L’elisir d’amore for Theater St Gallen; and Bartolo Il barbiere di Siviglia for Den Norske Opera and Scottish Opera. Other roles include the title role in Le nozze di Figaro, Papageno The Magic Flute, Gratiano The Merchant of Venice, Ping Turandot, Falke Die Fledermaus, and Napoleon War and Peace for Welsh National Opera and English National Opera; Fritz Kothner The Meistersingers of Nürnberg, and Pish-Tush Mikado for English National Opera. The Dark Fiddler A Village Romeo and Juliet, Axel Oxenstjerne Cristina di Svezia, and Douglas Guglielmo Ratcliffe for the Wexford Festival; and Don Pasquale for Longborough Opera Festival.

On the concert stage he has sung Frank Edgar and Renzo Silvano for Scottish Opera; War Requiem at the Brangwyn Hall; The Dream of Gerontius with the Polish National Radio Orchestra in Katowice; he made his Concertgebouw debut as The Dark Fiddler in A Village Romeo and Juliet; Aeneas Dido and Aeneas with the English Concert in Lausanne; Belshazzar’s Feast, Sea Symphony and Verdi’s Requiem with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra; The Messiah in Madrid with the Gabrieli Consort; Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem and The Apostles with the Hallé Orchestra; Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra; Mozart’s Requiem with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra; and Carmina Burana at the Gustav Mahler Sala and also with the Philharmonia Orchestra at the Three Choirs Festival.

Recordings include Haydn’s Creation; Bussy Zazà and Sandoval Le Duc d’Albe for Opera Rara; Donner Das Rheingold (Elder/Hallé); Mahler’s Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen with the Orchestra of the Swan; Rochester in John Joubert’s Jane Eyre, Wolf’s Eichedorff Lieder with Sholto Kynoch; and Sullivan’s The Beauty Stone with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales.

This biography is for information only and should not be reproduced.

Kurwenal, Tristan und Isolde

Grange Park Opera, June 2023

David Stout an impressively strong Kurwenal.

Financial Times. Richard Fairman ★★★★

David Stout did a splendid job of Tristan’s companion Kurwenal.

The Article, Mark Ronan

Tannhäuser (Wolfram)

New National Theatre Tokyo, January - February 2023

David Stout, in his NNTT debut singing with an incisive intensity and sheer of beauty of phrasing that could serve as a counterweight to his rival’s blustery heroics.”

David Chandler, Opera Magazine

The Makropulos Affair (Baron Jaroslav Prus)

Welsh National Opera, August-December 2022

...and David Stout, with his darkly expressive baritone and lively acting, a strong Baron Jaroslav Prus

Rian Evans, Opera Magazine

Baron Prus (David Stout), his son Janek (Alexander Sprague) and Albert Gregor (Nicky Spence) are all superbly idiomatic and forceful.

Nicholas Kenyon, The Times ★★★★★

In the uniformly strong cast, Nicky Spence and David Stout were excellent as the litigants Albert Gregor and Baron Prus.

Rian Evans, The Guardian ★★★★

David Stout is another fine choice as Baron Jaroslav Prus: always in flux with the devilish little roles he does, in super baritone voice whenever onstage

James Ellis, The Buzz Magazine

David Stout is a well-observed Prus, a tragic grandee, the unwitting cause of his son Janek’s suicide, failed lover, and ultimately (I suppose) loser in the case

Stephen Walsh, The Arts Desk

The male roles of Baron Prus and Albert Gregor are taken with vigour and distinctively sung and acted by the always excellent David Stout and Nicky Spence

Mike Smith, The Argus South Wales

La Gioconda (Barnaba)

Grange Park Opera, June 2022

Well-established and versatile baritone David Stout displayed phenomenal stage presence as the thoroughly unpleasant Barnaba, infusing his role with a wonderful, yet subtle, comical flavor. He is a real tour de force in this casting, creeping around the stage with all the malevolence of any pantomime villain. [...] Vocally, however, he was quite magnificent. His sonorous baritone lit up the stage from the moment he entered in Act one, establishing his evil credentials, along with the desires for the woman of his dreams. His “Ah! pescator, affonda l’esca,” in Act two was resplendent, full-toned and displaying beautiful phrasing.

Mike Hardy, Opera Wire

David Stout’s imposing baritone made an impression as the villainous Barnaba

Mark Pullinger, Backtrack

David Stout as Barnaba gives the vocal and histrionic performance of the evening, one of the few singers in the cast who has the resources to sing every note Ponchielli demanded and who plays the melodrama with real abandon.

Séamus Rea, Culture Whisper

In a bravura performance, David Stout also evokes Verdi’s Rigoletto. A limping, jester-like master of ceremonies, he provides the evening’s most consistent singing.

Yehuda Shapiro, The Stage

Our protagonist Barnaba (David Stout) is pure evil, systematically destroying all around him. He’s the spider weaving a web – as is literally manifested in Francis O’Connor’s set design – and it’s impossible to identify with him. [...] The singing, however, is sublime. [...] The chilling finale of Act Three, with all principals and chorus on stage, is a triumph, and everything is perfectly synchronised with the Gascoigne Orchestra, conducted by Stephen Barlow.

Lorien Haynes, The Telegraph ****

[...]crisply characterful sounds regularly slide out of David Stout, hissably villainous as the Inquisition spy Barnaba.

Geoff Brown, The Times

David Stout plays him to the hilt—the outstanding acting and singing performance for me.

Vera Liber, British Theatre Guide

As Barnaba, David Stout completely embraced the character's evil and obsessive nature. Often physically contorted, Stout gave voice to this dramatic character in a mesmerising way. The physical expressiveness combined with some superb singing and a strongly characterful performance. Stout was rarely tempted to distort the musical line for character's sake, which meant that there was a great deal here to enjoy.

Planet Hugill

This superbly well chosen cast brought Ponchielli's masterpiece very much to life, with David Stout as a menacing Barnaba

Mark Ronan, The Article

Jenůfa (Stárek, the Foreman)

Royal Opera House, September 2021

Royal Opera House's Jenůfa won an Olivier Award for Best New Opera Production on Sunday 10th April 2022.

Olivier Awards, 2022

Among the smaller parts, Jacquelyn Stucker’s bright Karolka (Steva’s fiancée), David Stout’s sturdy Foreman at the Mill and Angela Simkin’s Herdswoman stand out...

Hugh Canning, The Times

There’s exceptional casting among the smaller role: Elena Zilio, a Puccini stalwart in the Royal Opera Trittico, as Grandmother Buryjovka; David Stout as an energetic Mill Foreman...

David Nice, The Arts Desk

David Stout sings strongly as the Foreman

Richard Fairman, Financial Times ****

David Stout was an imposing foreman

David Karlin, Bachtrack *****

David Stout’s sure-voiced Foreman dynamically propels the action in Act 1, giving Laca the knife that will rob Jenůfa of the freshness that sustains Števa’s affection, praising her beauty and thus emphasising the cause of Laca’s frustration and fixation.

Claire Seymour, Opera Today

David Stout gave an excellent account of the foreman at the mill

Mark Ronan, The Article

David Stout’s Foreman is rugged and richly-toned...

Benjamin Poore, Opera Wire

David Stout makes the small role of the Foreman sound big.

John Allison, Opera Magazine

Falstaff (Ford)

Grange Park Opera, June 2021

David Stout’s Ford sings with a dark and muscular tone. We know that Ford is obsessive, but the focused baritone projected by Stout in the “jealousy” monologue amply confirms it.

John Allison, The Telegraph, 11 June 2021

David Stout’s sturdy Ford

Richard Morrison, The Times, 11 June 2021

David Stout makes an attractive, bumptious and properly irritable Ford

Fiona Maddocks, The Observer, 19 June 2021

David Stout as [Alice's] husband Ford sings out of his skin throughout, especially at the beginning of Act 2

David Mellor, Daily Mail, 12 June 2021

Grander still were the performances by most of the featured artists. David Stout sang a doughty Ford…

Mark Valencia, Opera Magazine, August 2021

Nixon in China (Henry Kissinger)

Scottish Opera, February 2020

The central roles are all impressively taken… Julia Sporsén’s infinitely touching Pat Nixon, David Stout’s canny Kissinger…

George Hall, The Stage, 19 February 2020

David Stout is blustery and self-regarding as the shady Henry Kissinger

Rowena Smith, The Guardian, 19 February 2020

There is cast-iron evenness among the key players. David Stout’s frenetic portrayal of the buffa-style Kissinger makes him a golden theatrical foil to the stoical composure of Nicholas Lester’s Chou.

Ken Walton, The Scotsman, 21 February 2020

The Cunning Little Vixen (Harasta)

Welsh National Opera, October 2019

...David Stout’s swaggering Poacher.

Rebecca Franks, The Times, 7 October 2019

The ‘flatter’ characters though, of course they offer less scope for individualisation or emotional/psychological depth, were well interpreted, notably by ... David Stout as an attractively transgressive Poacher...

Glyn Pursglove, 8 October 2019

There was much to enjoy too from Peter van Hulle’s lonely Schoolmaster, Wojtek Gierlach’s dignified Parson and David Stout’s unsentimental poacher.

David Truslove, Opera Today, 11 October 2019

Don Quichotte (Sancho Panza)

Bregenzer Festspiele, July 2019

In an opera in which both leads are bass-baritones, it isn’t easy to find a Sancho to complement his master, but Bregenz finds one. Earthily direct, David Stout is another class act, particularly when asked to play devil’s advocate, or to challenge mockery of the knight as an outmoded dinosaur. Besides singing a difficult role with mobile ease, Stout mines Henri Cain’s text splendidly

Opera Magazine, March 2021 (DVD review)

Gábor Bretz is a rich, soulful Don Quichotte and he’s matched for depth and warmth of baritone timbre by David Stout's Sancho

OperaJournal, 5 October 2020 (DVD review)

David Stout was just the sort of baritone needed as Sancho, combining a full, oaky voice with a the buffo charm of a character actor. It falls to Quichotte’s affable sidekick in the end to defend his master’s dreaming idealism from the cruel mockery of the crowd: “Riez, allez, riez” was a passionate rebuke in Stout’s rendition, tearing off his wig as he turned to berate the audience over the swelling of the orchestra.

Eric Simpson, OperaWire, 29 July 2019

Prokofiev's War and Peace (Dolokhov/Denisov/Napoleon/Raevsky)

Welsh National Opera at Royal Opera House, July 2019

Baritone David Stout, so good as both Dolokhov and Denisov in Part One, makes a charismatic impression as Napoleon during and after the Battle of Borodino. Indeed, if you’re looking for hooks on which to hang praise he and Bailey are joint gold medal winners.

Mark Valencia, Bachtrack, 24 July 2019

David Stout truly excelled, in terms of both characterisation and musicianship, as Dolokhov, Denisov, Raevsky and as a steel-backed Napoleon, his voice bursting with pride and defiance in the latter incarnation, but always appealing.

Claire Seymour, Opera Today, 24 July 2019

It is clearly impossible to go into each and every soloist given the roster of singers. But it would be unfair not to admire David Stout’s fine, rich voice in the part of Dolukov (and Denisov, and Napoleon, and Raevsky). Whichever hat he was wearing, he excelled.

Colin Clark, Seen and Heard International, 24 July 2019

David Stout's four roles are the combined stand-out of the evening: his seasoned-rake Dolokhov...

David Nice, The Arts Desk, 24 July 2019

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