Sophie Harmsen


"The rich magic of the music enfolds especially in the performance of Sophie Harmsen, the outstanding singer of the evening. Her noble mezzo soprano timbre flows warmly and supplely when she shows compassion for the dying youth, while she articulates the text naturally or astonishes and delights with an unexpected pianissimo. Her freedom and zest for expression is rarely matched by other soloists."

Hamburger Abendblatt (Das Paradies und die Peri)

"Sophie Harmsen perfectly guides her silvery top notes to target. One could nearly forget this is a mezzosoprano role. You see a young boy without any life experience, except the forbidden love towards the Marschallin, being thrown into a morally ailing demimonde into which he tumbles like an alien into this planetary set."

Drehpunkt Kultur (Der Rosenkavalier, Octavian)

"The mezzo-soprano Sophie Harmsen stood out among the cast. Her powerful Dorabella was one of the best I've heard. The psychological evolution of this character, from the naïve beginning to the doubts and the anger at the end, was precisely depicted with diverse voice colors and beautiful acting, even that in a semi-staged performance."

Bachtrack (Cosi Fan Tutte, Dorabella)

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Sophie Harmsen has become internationally successful both in the concert hall and on the operatic stage, delivering beautifully crafted, emotionally intelligent performances in a diverse range of repertoire.

She most recently made her role and house debut performing Komponist in Strauss’s Ariadne auf Naxos at Teatro la Fenice having sung Octavian in Der Rosenkavalier at the Felsenreitschule in Salzburg.  Praised for her acting skills she has performed a variety of roles at houses including Cape Town Opera, Teatro Real Madrid, Opéra de Dijon and Theater an der Wien.

After numerous concerts, solo recitals and CD recordings with some of the most celebrated baroque ensembles she is glad to now feel equally at home in more romantic repertoire. Concerts and CD recordings with Wagner’s Wesendonck Lieder (Kent Nagano), Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde as well as the Rückert Lieder (Markus Stenz), Dvorak’s Requiem (Philippe Herreweghe), Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis (Frieder Bernius, René Jacobs) and Beethoven’s 9th Symphony (Teodor Currentzis, Pablo Heras-Casado) are now equally represented in her calendar.

This season’s highlights include Beethoven Missa Solemnis with B’Rock under René Jacobs and with the BBC NOW under Andrew Manze, Beethoven’s Mass in C Major on European tour with Orchestre des Champs Elysées under Philippe Herreweghe, Bruckner Te Deum with the SWR Symphonieorchester and Pablo Heras-Casado, Beethoven’s 9th Symphony with the Orchestre des Champs Elysées and Herreweghe, the Hamburger Symphoniker under Pablo Gonzalez and Warsaw Philharmonic under Krysztof Urbanski as well as concerts with the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra, Rundfunk Sinfonieorchester Berlin and Netherlands Radio Philharmonic.

Sophie Harmsen studied at the University of Cape Town and with Prof. Dr. Edith Wiens, has been mentored by Tobias Truniger for many years and now lives in Berlin with her family.

This biography is for information only and should not be reproduced.

Strauss: Ariadne auf Naxos (Der Komponist)

La Fenice, Jun 2024

The Mezzo-soprano Sophie Harmsen recreates a desperate Komponist with clear voice, enough volume and with beautiful vocal colours.

Opera World

Sophie Harmsen's Komponist is genuinely human, capable of extremely captivating nuances that absolutely reach into the stomach of the spectator.

Das Paradies und die Peri

Symphoniker Hamburg, September 2023

The rich magic of the music enfolds especially in the performance of Sophie Harmsen, the outstanding singer of the evening. Her noble mezzo soprano timbre flows warmly and supplely when she shows compassion for the dying youth, while she articulates the text naturally or astonishes and delights with an unexpected pianissimo. Her freedom and zest for expression is rarely matched by other soloists.

Marcus Stabler, Hamburger Abendblatt

La Clemenza di Tito (Annio)

Teatro Real, Madrid

"Sophie Harmsen's Annio was outstanding, splendid in her projection of high notes and in the way she conveyed her dramatic singing, always with a beautiful voice that shone especially bright in her aria "Tu fosti tradito""

Lectura y locura

"The singer we enjoyed most in terms of timbre, vocal colours, warmth, crispness of enunciation and insightfulness was the Canadian born mezzo-soprano Sophie Harmsen, who embodied a youthful and ever-ready Annio, completely convincing in gesture and bearing."

La Razon

Der Rosenkavalier (Octavian)

Landestheater Salzburg, October 2022

Sophie Harmsen is a captivating Octavian. The silvery duets between Hofmann and Harmsen radiate brighter than the myriad of stars around them. This magic hour of vocal artistry in the four earthly hours running time of this opera culminates in the trio of the finale.

Der Standard Wien

Sophie Harmsen is a vocally powerful Octavian, extraordinarily virile in her acting.

Opera Online

Octavian is 17 years old. One could not have found a more authentic casting than Sophie Harmsen for this trouser role. With her gamine haircut you believe her to be a boy, she steals the show with her powerful, clear mezzosoprano, and also the disguise as Mariandel suits her wonderfully. She wittily and charmingly guides the events.

Kultur Online

Sophie Harmsen shines with an elegantly clear and noble mezzo and virile chutzpah.


Sophie Harmsen perfectly guides her silvery top notes to target. One could nearly forget this is a mezzosoprano role. You see a young boy without any life experience, except the forbidden love towards the Marschallin, being thrown into a morally ailing demimonde into which he tumbles like an alien into this planetary set.

Drehpunkt Kultur

Sophie Harmsen Concert and Oratorio Repertoire

J.S. Bach

Johannes-Passion; Matthäus-Passion


Messe in h-Moll (Sop II, Alt)
Missa in F
Magnificat (Sop II, Alt)

Actus Tragicus
Cantatas e.g. BWV 82(Ich habe genug), BWV 169(Gott soll allein), BVW 170 (Vergnügte Ruh)

C.P.E. Bach

Die letzten Leiden


Sinfonie Nr. 9
Messe in C-Dur
Missa Solemnis


Alt Rhapsodie op. 53
Neue Liebeslieder


A Charm of Lullabies


Missa Solemnis
Messe Nr. 3 f moll


Adieux de l'hôtesse arabe


Oratorio di San Giovanni Nepomuceno


Te Deum

de Falla

El sombrero de tres picos




Messe in D-Dur
Liebeslieder (in Czech and German)
Zigeunerlieder (German)


Miserere in c-Moll


Arianna a Naxos
Salve Regina
Die sieben letzten Worte
Stabat Mater
Missa Cellensis
Nelson Messe
Große Orgelsolo Messe


Dixit Dominus (Sop II und Alt)
Israel in Egypt
Judas Maccabaeus (Isrealitish Man, Israelitish Priest)
Il Trionfo del Tempo (Piacere)
Utrechter Te Deum




Das Lied von der Erde
Rückert Lieder
Das klagende Lied


Le vin herbé

F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy

Lobgesang (Sop II)
Die erste Walpurgisnacht
Drei geistliche Lieder op. 96

W.A. Mozart

Messe in c-Moll (Sop. II)
Coronation Mass
Vesperae solennes de Confessore
Vesperae solennes de dominica
Alma Dei creatori
numerous Masses


La Passione di nostro signore


Messe in d-Moll


Stabat Mater


Cinq melodie populaires greques




Il Tramonto


Motetto di tempore


Matthäus Passion


Die letzten Dinge


Deus Passus (mezzosopran)


Petite Messe Solennelle
Stabat Mater


Oratorio de Noël


Fünf Gesänge für eine tiefe Stimme


Numerous Masses
Lazarus (Jemima)

R. Schumann

Faust-Szenen (Mangel, Mater Samaritana, Mater Gloriosa, Schuld, Maria Aegyptica, Alt I)
Liederkreis op. 39
Myrthen op. 25 (geteilt)
Das Paradies und die Peri (Mezzo, Alt)
Sechs Gedichte und Requiem op. 90
Der Rose Pilgerfahrt op. 112
Spanische Liebeslieder op.38




Der Tag der Gerichts




Nisi Dominus


Wesendonck Lieder

Sophie Harmsen Opera Repertoire

G. Bizet

Carmen (Mercedes)

B. Britten

A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Hermia)

F. Danzi

Der Berggeist (Marthe)

C.W. Gluck

Orphee et Euridice (Orphee*)

C. Gounod

Faust (Siebel*)
Romeo et Juliette (Stephano)

G.F. Händel

Alcina (Ruggiero*, Bradamante)
Ariodante (Ariodante*)
Rinaldo (Rinaldo*)
Giulio Cesare (Sesto*, Cesare)
Siroe (Siroe*)
Xerxes (Xerxes*, Amastre)

J. Haydn

La canterina (Don ettore)
Lo Speziale (Volpino)

E. Humperdinck

Hänsel und Gretel (Hänsel)

H. Huyssen

Masque (Prof. Dubuffet)

J. Massenet

Werther (Charlotte*)

C. Monteverdi

L’Incoronazione di Poppea: (Ottavia*, Nutrice)

W.A. Mozart

La Clemenza di Tito (Annio, Sesto*)

Così fan tutte (Dorabella)

La finta giardinera (Ramiro*)

Idomeneo (Idamante*)

Le nozze di Figaro (Cherubino)

Lucio Silla (Cecilio*)

Die Zauberflöte (2. Dame, 3. Dame)

Don Giovanni (Zerlina; Donna Elvira)

J. Myslivecek

L’Olimpiade (Argene)

J. Offenbach

Les Contes D‘Hoffmann (Nicklausse *)

H. Purcell

Dido and Aeneas (Dido, 2nd Woman, 1st & 2nd Witch, Sorceress)

J.P. Rameau

Hippolyte et Aricie (Phedre*)

T. Rayna

A Valley Song (Stella)

G. Rossini

Il barbiere di Sevilla (Rosina*)
La cenerentola (Angelina*, Tisbe)
La donna del lago (Malcolm*)
L’Italiana in Algeri (Isabella*)

R. Strauss

Der Rosenkavalier (Octavian),
Ariadne auf Naxos (Komponist*)

G.P. Telemann

Otto (Mathilda)

J.R. Zumsteeg

Die Geisterinsel (Fabio)

Sophie Harmsen Repertoire List

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