Conducted by Tim Anderson, Lang's 'Hiob' wins Austrian Music Theatre Award

9 September 2024

Der Österreichische Musiktheaterpreis for the best world premiere production was awarded to Bernhard Lang's Hiob, conducted by Tim Anderson at Staatstheater Klagenfurt in Winter 2023. 

Reviews at the time praised Tim for his "verve and power" (BR Klassik) and his "firm grip on the score" (FAZ), and Der Standard acclaimed him "an authority in the field of contemporary music". Click here to read the full round-up. 

Hiob is the second world premiere Tim has conducted at Stadttheater Klagenfurt, following Salvatore Sciarrino's Il canto s'attrista, perché? in 2021. 

Cementing his authority in the field, he won critical acclaim last season conducting Thomas Adès' Powder Her Face at Semperoper Dresden (Forum Opera: "compels admiration") and Brett Dean's Hamlet for Opera Australia (Limelight: "arguably the finest reading of the score to date").

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