“Immaculate” and “commanding”: Richard Burkhard’s role debut as Bottom

26 June 2024

Baritone Richard Burkhard’s role debut as Bottom A Midsummer Night’s Dream in his return to Garsington Opera has been praised for both his singing and acting:

‘and particularly Richard Burkhard as Bottom, whose immaculate acting skills matched his voice – also stood out’ – Simon Heffer, The Telegraph

‘above all Richard Burkhard’s big-hearted Bottom – was nicely etched. They provided a few laughs, and also (when Bottom is panic-stricken to find himself alone) some moments of genuine pathos' - Ivan Hewett, The Telegraph

‘And Richard Burkhard’s humane, good-hearted Bottom, the ass turned thespian extraordinaire, arguably becomes the hero of the whole thing.’ - Neil Fisher, The Times

‘Richard Burkhard, whose Bottom is both commanding and gracefully sung’ - Michael Church, iNews

‘Richard Burkhard delivers Bottom with his customary vocal artistry’ - George Hall, The Stage

‘Garsington regular Richard Burkhard sang Bottom with a sonorous baritone’ - Mark Pullinger, Gramophone

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