Artist in Focus: Laurence Cummings

3 February 2025

Conductor and Harpsichordist Laurence Cummings is our RA Artist in Focus this week! Laurence is best known for his intelligent and thoughtful interpretations of music from the Baroque period.

“Conductor Laurence Cummings sets about every number with almost breathless enthusiasm.”
- Richard Fairman, Financial Times

He currently holds position of Music Director of both the Academy of Ancient Music and the Orquestra Barroca Casa da Musica in Portugal as well as working internationally on the opera and concert stage.

Laurence has been Music Director of the Academy of Ancient Music since 2021. Throughout the year they perform various historically informed works throughout the UK and abroad. This season they have exciting programmes planned including a concert exploring the works of Brazilian composer Jose Mauricio Nunes Garcia, their annual Bach Passion at the Barbican Centre as well as performing Bach's The Art of Fugue as you have never heard it before through the theatrical imaginings of Bill Barclay. 

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